The S.S.Tilawa

In a dramatic event that would end the lives of 280 passengers and alter the lives of many survivors, the SS Tilawa mysteriously met its demise at the hands of a Japanese submarine. Curiously the ship’s main cargo, some sixty tonnes of silver bullion salvaged in 2017, is now the subject of a tug of war between the salvage company and the South African Government. What happened on this fateful day in the seas surrounding the Seychelles Islands?

Our Objectives

  • To spread awareness and inform others about this otherwise overlooked tragic piece of history.
  • To create a comprehensive passenger list so that all those lost may be found.
  • To establish the true ownership of the ship’s cargo and its relevance to the event.
  • To record and retell any stories that relate to this tragedy.
  • To recognise and respectfully mourn those lost at sea on this day.
  • To reflect on the impact this tragic event had on the families of the survivors and the families of those who perished.


Help us to learn more

If you have any relevant information, evidence, or research that you would like to share, please do so here. If you or anyone you know is aware of a survivor not listed here, please reach out so that we can share their story.

    The S.S.Tilawa’s 80 Year Commemoration

    Below is a podcast discussion about the 80th anniversary of the sinking of the S.S.Tilawa. Posted by the official Soundcloud account of Radio 786 on the 2nd of December 2022. It features our main foundation members, Haroon Tarmahomed and Ashraf Roomaney as well as Emile Solanki.

    Click here to listen directly on Soundcloud.

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